Grace Greetings!
Today is a good day to share a little about myself since I’m asking you to lend me your eyes and ears while I encourage you to ‘look up.” I’ll share a little about myself through various postings. To start, I’m a country girl born and raised in the rural South Georgia. I’m the last of 5 children born to Sarah and J.L. Sanders. My parents often told me that I wasn’t planned, and my dad was planning on buying a new car that he’d been saving up for…. SURPRISE!! LOL! I may not have been planned but my parents treated me like I was desired and longed for. They were both the best parents a girl could ever hope to be born to! They are both in heaven now along with my only brother and many other loved ones. I have 3 sisters and we love and adore one another. I had a wonderful childhood living a simple country life.
Two weeks after graduating high school, I left the small town to attend Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia enrolling in their summer Army compress program. I passed the program being advised that I’d make an excellent leader! I was overjoyed and prepared to enter the fall semester at GSU. I attended for 2 years flunking out my second year but maintained a full-time job on campus making money, which to a 19-year-old at that time was a great salary. I enjoyed working and getting a check which caused me to lose my interest in school.
My journey continued as a young adult woman from a small town in the big city. I adjusted well but I knew that I needed more in my life. Along with the nice job and good money, there was something missing. I knew of Christ and our family was devoted to Christ. We were a church going family but that was about as far as it went. Yet, the seed was planted, and it was often watered by two God loving aunts who would visit us periodically. Their love for Christ was so beautiful and sweet and their passion, love and devotion for Him made a huge impact on my life. I wanted what they had! Watching them throughout my young adult life led me on a quest for God and created a hunger and thirst for Him that is still in-flamed and hot to this very day! That hunger led me to confess Christ as my Lord and Savior and through the years awakened me to a greater knowledge of Christ both doctrinal and experiential. Forty plus years later, that hunger and desire for him hasn’t waned!
I have an intense hunger for more of Christ which I’ve realized I could never do on my own. God has developed a wonderful grace-filled relationship with me that is beyond my dreams. This passage of scripture found in Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied," explains it all for me. God put the hunger in my heart, and he’s been satisfying me ever since I realized my need for him in my life.
I confess that through all my heart aches, pain, and my joys, God has caused me to look up. I’ve learned and I’m still learning to look up to him through every circumstance of my life. I’m not saying I don’t experience, "hung down head days", but I’m learning more and more that I can chose to look up and I’m starting to enjoy the journey and I want you to enjoy them too. I want to share with other Christ-followers and encourage them as we walk towards eternity together.
Something to look up to...
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever abandon you,” Hebrews 13:5 NASB

Dad and Mom... J.L. and Sarah Sanders.

My Lovely Sisters! Lynette, Brenda, Lottie and myself, Tinie.