I do not even know how or where to start; so, let me try to start by saying our God is Awesome!
I know I will not complete this post today because I will run out of space, and it would take all this day and forever to express reasoning behind my statement our God is Awesome! Therefore, allow me to encourage you to get to know this great God of the Bible, the creator of the universe! If you do not know Him, ask Him to help you get to know Him! The greatest thing in this life is that He wants us to know Him! You will find out about Him and His character and nature by reading about Him in the Bible which is how I am getting to know Him.
The Bible is a complex book but if you ask God in a simple childlike manner, which is praying, to help you find Him in the Bible, He will hear your prayer. What is even greater is that if you do not have a relationship with Him, He would love to have one with you. In your relationship with Him, He will begin to reveal Himself to you through and in His word, the Bible. I came to know Him at a young age. He placed in my heart a desire to know Him, and that desire has deepened more and more until this very day! I have been looking for, desiring, hungering for more and more of Him with every breath I take. And guess what? He has not disappointed me in any way in giving me more and more of Himself!
As a Christ follower, I know now more than I have ever known before that Jesus is REAL! I know it by faith and belief in Him and His written word the Bible! I am not a theologian, and I may not be able to share chapter and verse by heart but with time and effort I could find Scripture to support my belief! The world needs Jesus, and He is the only answer for the dying souls of human beings.
*In my life, God has proven beyond my wildest dreams His love for me and oh the abundant grace and mercy I receive every morning I awake is so beyond me!
If your heart is broken from life experiences or your heart is hardened towards God, ask Him to soften your heart and give you a new one. Ask Him to come into your heart today and help you to give your life to Him and I promise you, He will be more than you could ever imagine Him to be! He will fill your life and be to you beyond your wildest dreams! We are all sinners in need of a Savior, if you do not know Him. The process of salvation or deliverance from the world of sin takes place when you ask God to come into your heart and forgive you of your old life, the life of sin. Once you do this, you give your life to Him and He in exchange gives His life to you. It is a WONDERFUL EXCHANGE!
I am living the Exchanged Life and it is again beyond my wildest dreams! Getting to know more of God through all my pain and sufferings has been such an Awesome journey from this Awesome God I love and serve! Let us continue to walk together towards eternity! The eternity I am speaking of is eternal life with Jesus Christ in heaven. My belief is that we will all spend eternity somewhere; it is either eternity in heaven or eternity in hell! Heaven is where Jesus is, and Hell is to be forever separated from Him. This is my belief and the only way I am walking my journey towards eternity is by grace through faith in the son of the living God Jesus Christ! Grace alone; Faith Alone according to Ephesians 2:8-9.
Please ask the Awesome God to come into your life today. He is waiting on you! For further information on salvation or to answer any questions about it, visit https://www.gty.org/.
A light for your path…
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16