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Unexpected Shower Dance!


Recently, one morning as I started my daily work regimen, I felt a faint flutter in my heart. It became more intense as I was stepping into the shower. The water was steaming hot but not too hot. I stood peering through the shower curtain as my mirror became all fogged over. Music was playing on Spotify; one song after another set to For King and Country. I'm a fan of theirs! The song "Shoulders" was playing and just as I'm getting soothingly drenched, the lyrics "God only knows what you've been through" pierced my heart. The tears started to flow. The heart flutter was caused by a wave of grief!

I woke up that morning with some heavy thoughts already, and you know how thoughts tend to linger? Well, the song took them even deeper. Towards the songs' ending I stepped closer under the shower and the water merged in with my tears. They were all being washed away. All I could do was stand there nearly paralyzed in sorrow. Yet time was slipping away, and I knew I had to keep moving or I would be late for work.

As the next song came on, I intentionally focused my thoughts on God. You see, I've learned over the past couple of months when these waves come over me to rely on and cry out to God. When I do that, he always lifts my heart to his. As I finished showering, the next song was titled "Joy". The lyrics "I choose joy" rang louder and louder in my head and before I knew it, I was dancing! With what little space I had, I was (cautiously) moving around like I was on a dance floor! I know you've all had those shower moments when you're either belting out a melodious sound or bawling your eyes out! We've all had them. Whatever you call it, you've had those moments or hour in the shower. Well, sometimes you gotta dance in the shower. It's so refreshing! Just be careful that you don't slip and fall!

Water is a cleansing agent and something about it can bring about a refreshing, exhilarating experience! It cleanses both physically and mentally. It can be a shower or a long hot bath. By the end of the song as I'm about to step out of the shower, I thought about another cleansing agent. The blood of Jesus. His blood cleanses and washes away the Believers sins. The lyrics are so true.

What can wash away my sins?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

What can make me whole again?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is that flow

That makes me white as snow.

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

I hope you have had your sins washed away with the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:7 (NLT) states, But if we are living in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.

There will be more tears and a few more shower dances for me, I'm sure; but it's wonderful knowing that my sins are washed away! I am made clean because of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. That is worth a shower dance! By the way, a long time back in the day before I trusted God for salvation, I loved the dance floor! I went to the club just to get my dance on! Today, I thank God for choosing me and giving me a greater reason to dance! As the lyrics in the song "Joy" says, "choose joy and let him move you!"

A light for your path...

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength. Proverbs 17:22

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5 Kommentare

28. Sept. 2023

I enjoy every single one , read these give my joy enlightenment, encouragement . Thank you for sharing. Please continue to post.

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28. Sept. 2023
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Thank you!

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22. Sept. 2023

Amen! ❤️

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22. Sept. 2023

Loved each one of these! Keep sharing, keep encouraging & keep shining your light for Jesus! I love you!

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22. Sept. 2023
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Thank you Precious!

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